Friday, January 10, 2014

Drawing&Painting- Impasto Landscape Painting

Drawing&Painting-Small Still Life Painting

In the first painting assignment the students were expected to apply their observational drawing skills to their small still life and use the paint to apply the appropriate values.


The students were introduced to various sighting techniques used to support and or correct your drawing. The techniques are technical and rely less on your vision and more on measuring and comparing. 

Drawing&Painting-Soda Can Observational Drawing

The students had to employ the cylinder and ellipse drawing technique, used in the previous assignment, to a soda can. The value and detail was completed using color pencils.

Drawing&Painting-Cylinder and Ellipses

This assignment was based on a technique used for drawing cylinders and ellipses. The students practiced the technique in their sketchbooks and then applied them to the more complex cylindrical still life.